
Cat cuddles kittens and adopted ducklings

Animal Odd Couples: Episode 1 Preview – BBC One



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After searching round the farm, they eventually found the ducklings but unfortunately the cat, Della, had got there first. I ended up catching the cat with a duck in her mouth at this stage and it really looked, Ronin was like she’s gonna kill the duck. Just thinking, oh no. We’re only after getting them back and now she’s gonna eat them right in front of us. Then Emma notice something unusual. I was like Ronin, she’s not actually forcefully holding this duck. That’s when the amazing thing happened. We put the cat down and put the ducklings down and then all of a sudden, the three little ducklings waddled straight underneath the cat.

The cat laid down on her side, put her paw over one of the ducklings and was kind of nursing the duckling into towards her so we were, I mean just absolutely blown away over this ’cause normally cats would eat small birds but it was absolutely awesome. It was just incredible to see it. She was very content at this stage, she was purring and she was really loving towards the ducklings. When I was patting her down, I noticed that she’s actually given birth to three kittens only within an hour or so before hand.

It was a very lucky coincidence for the ducklings that the cat found them just after giving birth herself. For a narrow window of a couple of hours, mothering hormones will have been coursing through her body, causing her to love and nurture any small, warm, furry creature she found next to her. I have no doubt whatsoever that the cat was thinking, dinner if she had have seen them either maybe a couple of hours before or couple of hours after. I’ve no doubt that she would have put the napkin around her neck, knife and fork, salt and pepper, the whole lot.

315 Words



Useful Expressions

eventually    ようやく/ついに
After searching round the farm, they eventually found the ducklings …

unfortunately   残念ながら
…but unfortunately the cat, Della, had got there first.

end up   最終的にある状況になる
I ended up catching the cat with a duck in her mouth…

forcefully   強硬に/強制的に
I was like Ronin, she’s not actually forcefully holding this duck.

all of a sudden   突然に/前触れもなしに
waddle   よたよた歩く/よちよち歩く
underneath   ~に覆い被さった下に
We put the cat down and put the ducklings down and then all of a sudden, the three little ducklings waddled straight underneath the cat.

paw   足
nurse   ~を大事に育てる/~の面倒を見る
The cat laid down on her side, put her paw over one of the ducklings and was kind of nursing the duckling into towards her.

absolutely   完全に
blown away   圧倒された
So we were, I mean just absolutely blown away over this…

incredible   信じられない
It was just incredible to see it.

content   満足して
purr   猫が満足してゴロゴロと喉をならす
She was very content at this stage, she was purring and she was really loving towards the ducklings.

give birth to   ~を出産する/~を産む
or so   ~ばかり
I noticed that she’s actually given birth to three kittens only within an hour or so before hand.

coincidence   偶然
It was a very lucky coincidence for the ducklings that the cat found them just after giving birth herself.

course   流れる
nurture   養育する
For a narrow window of a couple of hours, mothering hormones will have been coursing through her body, causing her to love and nurture any small, warm, furry creature she found next to her.

whatsoever   少しの~もない
I have no doubt whatsoever that the cat was thinking, dinner if she had have seen them either maybe a couple of hours before or couple of hours after.

Watch Again

Here is a longer version of the same story:


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