Large bodies of water are disappearing because cotton is so thirsty. Before I started traveling for this documentary, I knew almost nothing. I was fairly familiar what went down from a human perspective, the human cost, but the environmental cost, yeah I wasn't informed at all. (upbeat music) Hi, how are you?
4,580 liters of water. 10,800 liters of water. Just to grow the cotton to make that jacket.
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From today, I think I’m going to change my way I shop. Really? Oh yes. (laughing) Oh my girl. (loud rattling)
Large bodies of water are disappearing because cotton is so thirsty. Before I started traveling for this documentary, I knew almost nothing. I was fairly familiar what went down from a human perspective, the human cost, but the environmental cost, yeah I wasn’t informed at all. (upbeat music) Hi, how are you? Fine thank you. I’m Stacey, nice to see you. And you. Can we borrow you for five minutes? Yeah. My mum bought this. What you been buying? She bought a jacket. So, show me what you’ve got in your bag. Oh, so a hoodie? Yeah. And is it cotton? Yip. This is 100% cotton, brilliant, interesting. So, how much water Johnny, do you think has gone in to growing the cotton necessary to make this jacket? Probably about 800. 800? Yeah. 70 liters? 20/30 liters? 20 or 30 liters? Yeah. Growing the cotton, to make that jacket, will have taken 10,330 liters of water.
4,580 liters of water. 10,800 liters of water. Just to grow the cotton to make that jacket. I can’t believe this. Sorry, that’s just blown my mind, oh my god.
It’s 13 years, for one person. That’s just, goodness, for one shirt. Ridiculous, right? 24 years of drinking water for one person.
24 years? That’s wild, right? It’s wild, it’s crazy. That shocks you? It does shock me, yeah. How does that make you feel? You look visibly shocked. Yeah. 25 years of drinking water for one person. Oh wow, and that’s for two items? Oh, I’m a horrible person. Do you really need that jacket as much as someone needs 10,000 liters of water? No. I’m sorry to get upset but it’s, yeah (laughing) Tell me why you’re so emotional about that fact. Yeah, because I know people they are struggling to get water for drink water or to cook, and we are using for making this?
You’re making me feel bad here. (laughing) I mean, I’m gonna go return it. Does it make you think that you might shop differently or you might give this a second thought? Oh yes, from today, I learnt something, I think I’m going to change my way I shop. Really? Oh yes. You really mean that? It’s very easy to say. I mean it, I swear. I mean it. (laughing) Oh my girl. I do truly believe that it’s not that people don’t care, we’re just not informed. So I’m absolutely the worst because I’m a nightmare, I shop all the time and so I don’t think we know enough and I think it’s about just trying at least to shop responsibly.
457 words
Useful Expressions
confront (人に証拠などを)突きつける
Confronting High Street Shoppers with A Shocking Truth
large bodies of water 広い水域
Large bodies of water are disappearing because cotton is so thirsty.
fairly かなり
human cost 人的犠牲
environmental cost 環境的犠牲
inform 情報を与える
I was fairly familiar what went down from a human perspective, the human cost, but the environmental cost, yeah I wasn’t informed at all.
Nice to see you. 初めまして。
I’m Stacey, nice to see you.
Can we borrow you for …..? ~間少しお時間よろしいですか?
Can we borrow you for five minutes?
hoodie フード付きパーカー
So, show me what you’ve got in your bag. Oh, so a hoodie? Yeah.
blow one’s mind 衝撃を与える
I can’t believe this. Sorry, that’s just blown my mind, oh my god.
How does that make you feel? それでどんな気持ちですか?/それでどんな気持ちになりますか?
visibly 目に見えて
How does that make you feel? You look visibly shocked. Yeah.
nightmare 悪夢
at least 少なくとも
responsibly 責任をもって
So I’m absolutely the worst because I’m a nightmare*, I shop all the time and so I don’t think we know enough and I think it’s about just trying at least to shop responsibly.
*I’m a nightmare. (the way I am is so bad, like I am in a nightmare. 悪夢をみているみたい。)