
Kelsey, you'll kinda be right here. And Katie, you'll take a picture like this. Mike, you're gonna do something really important. No matter what the person does, this audience is gonna pretend they cannot see them. Once all the roles were assigned, I put on a little magic show to attract an unsuspecting subject. This is literally a trick I used to do at kids' birthday parties when I was 12. (balloon inflating) (audience applauds) And it wasn't long before we had a taker. First, I had to convince him that invisibility was real. You guys familiar with the concept of invisibility?
But when it becomes invisible. (mystical music)
You feeling it?
You guys ready to do this?
Shoot, I'm sorry. (cellphone rings) This'll just take one minute. I'll bring, it's an emergency. Hey, it's Justin, I'm sorry.
Grab the can for me.
No, this is not happening. This is not happening. Oh, I don't know what the f**k to do. Hi, hi, excuse me. Hi, hello, hello? Can you see? What the hell?
Mike is not there.
One, two, three. Yes! (audience cheers)
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If the tiniest bit of evidence will make us believe the unbelievable, what would I have to show someone to make them believe the impossible? To find out, I set up an experiment. What’s up, everybody? (audience cheers) First, I placed an ad on Craigslist to recruit some help and then I told them my plan. You guys are gonna help me convince a dude that he’s invisible. (audience laughs) For real. I chose a few feature players. What’s your name? Doug. Doug, drink as much of the water as you can, but don’t swallow it.
Kelsey, you’ll kinda be right here. And Katie, you’ll take a picture like this. Mike, you’re gonna do something really important. No matter what the person does, this audience is gonna pretend they cannot see them. Once all the roles were assigned, I put on a little magic show to attract an unsuspecting subject. This is literally a trick I used to do at kids’ birthday parties when I was 12. (balloon inflating) (audience applauds) And it wasn’t long before we had a taker. First, I had to convince him that invisibility was real. You guys familiar with the concept of invisibility? Yeah. The water, visible, yes? We can see it. Yes. (water pouring) We can hear it.
But when it becomes invisible. (mystical music) What? (audience exclaims) Take the bottle. Take a sip. It is invisible now, but swish it around and it becomes visible. (audience exclaims) So far so good. Should we try it with people? Yeah. Feeling it? Oh, yeah. What’s your name? Jonathan. Come on up here, Jonathan. Give it up for Jonathan, Jonathan. (audience applauds) Number one, you can take a seat, Jonathan.
You feeling it? Yeah. What’s your name? Mike. Mike, give it up for Mike and Jonathan. (audience applauds) Now for the real convincer. You got two men and a blanket.
You guys ready to do this? Let’s go, let’s do it. (audience applauds) All right, here we go. Mike, sit up straight. I’m gonna cover you up. Here we go. Don’t move. Let’s make him invisible on the count of three. One. Two, three. (audience exclaims) And Jonathan is now a believer. You ready? No. Okay, here we go, I’m gonna cover you up. Invisible on the count of three. One. Two, three. (audience exclaims)
They did not vanish. You cannot see them or hear them. Let me show you what I mean here. With your right hand, I want you to grab this can. I feel you, I feel you, don’t let go. I got it, there we go. Perfect, perfect. (audience exclaims) Mike’s holding on to it. That’s perfect, that’s perfect, that’s perfect, I’m gonna grab it. Jonathan, we can’t see you or hear you, but will you just grab the can? Yeah, there we go, there we go, there we go. (audience exclaims) (audience applauds) And now for the fun part.
Shoot, I’m sorry. (cellphone rings) This’ll just take one minute. I’ll bring, it’s an emergency. Hey, it’s Justin, I’m sorry. Yeah. (laughs) All right, ready? One, two, three. Can I see it? Look it, lemme see. Oh man, it’s just a freakin’ chair, no one’s gonna get why it’s so cool. (laughs) It must be a trick floor. Jonathan was not the only one who stumbled into my little experiment. (audience exclaims) Meet Brandon.
Grab the can for me. No, I’m right here. Grab the can, there we go, perfect, there we go. (audience exclaims) Stargate? Yeah, kinda like a Stargate thing. (curious music) Hello? Can not anyone hear me? What the (bleep)? Hi, where did the guy go? Where’s he at? Hi, hello.
No, this is not happening. This is not happening. Oh, I don’t know what the f**k to do. Hi, hi, excuse me. Hi, hello, hello? Can you see? What the hell? there’s like, some kind of gate. No magic, I’m saying Yeah, which one? The bottle is floating. Whoa. (laughs) Freaking out. What is his, Josh, Josh? Finish up the show. Hi, hi, hi, hi. And now it’s time to bring ’em back. Mike, I’m gonna bring you back first here.
Mike is not there. Where’s Mike? (audience laughs) All right, Brandon first, we’ll do Brandon first, we’ll do Brandon first. Brandon first. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. (audience cheers)
One, two, three. Yes! (audience cheers) Bro. That was wild. (laughs) Bro!
740 words
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Useful Expressions
tiny とても小さい
a bit of 少し
unbelievable 信じがたい
the impossible 不可能なこと
If the tiniest bit of evidence will make us believe the unbelievable, what would I have to show someone to make them believe the impossible?
experiment 実験
To find out, I set up an experiment.
What’s up? どうしたの?/何が起きているの?
What’s up, everybody?
Craigslist 1995年にアメリカでクレイグ・ニューマークによって立ち上げられた、地域ごとの不動産情報、求人情報などを掲載したウェブサイトの名称。
recruit 募る
First, I placed an ad on Craigslist to recruit some help and then I told them my plan.
convince 納得させる/説得する
You guys are gonna help me convince a dude that he’s invisible.
for real 本当に
For real.
as much as you can あなたができる限り
swallow 飲み込む
Doug, drink as much of the water as you can, but don’t swallow it.
kinda = kind of なんとなく
Kelsey, you’ll kinda be right here.
take a picture 写真を撮る
And Katie, you’ll take a picture like this.
no matter what …. たとえ….でも
pretend ふりをする
No matter what the person does, this audience is gonna pretend they cannot see them.
once 一度/一旦
assign 割り当てる
attract 引きつける
unsuspecting 怪しまない
Once all the roles were assigned, I put on a little magic show to attract an unsuspecting subject.
literally 文字どおり
trick 手品
This is literally a trick I used to do at kids’ birthday parties when I was 12.
take a sip 一口飲む
Take a sip.
swish すすぐ
It is invisible now, but swish it around and it becomes visible.
So far so good. 今のところ順調です。
So far so good.
Take a seat 座る/腰をかける
Number one, you can take a seat, Jonathan.
convincer 確信させる事
Now for the real convincer.
sit up straight 背筋を伸ばして座る
Mike, sit up straight.
on the count of …. …..を数えるうちに(あいだに)
Let’s make him invisible on the count of three. One. Two, three.
vanish 急に消える
They did not vanish.
grab つかむ
With your right hand, I want you to grab this can.
freakin’ すごく/きわめて *fuckingの代わりの単語。下品度が少し下がる。
Oh man, it’s just a freakin’ chair, no one’s gonna get why it’s so cool.
stumble into 偶然出会う
Jonathan was not the only one who stumbled into my little experiment.
Stargate アメリカのSF映画のタイトル。
Stargate? Yeah, kinda like a Stargate thing.
freak out すごく興奮する
Freaking out.
finish up やり終える/最後の仕上げをする
Finish up the show.
It’s time to …. ~する時(時間)だ
And now it’s time to bring ’em back.