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Gordon Ramsay Struggles to Make Sushi

Gordon Ramsay


(funky music) It's learning on the job from now on. I'm really under pressure. Lunch time service is starting, and all the sushi here is made to order. It's a full house, and there's no where to hide. Kara San puts me on the scallop nigiri. Nigiri's a simpler rice based sushi with a fish on top. My first attempt is embarrassing. When I pick up the sushi, it's falling apart. So it's not well formed.

Head chef Kara San has to step in
to help me out. One, two, three. Okay He can make six pieces a minute, and every one is perfect. Oh my God, the different steps is extraordinairy. I tried to give it one more shot.

And Kara San's patience with me starts to pay off.
Maybe I'm not so bad at this after all. Next, an order for spicy tuna rolls containing tuna, chili powder, cucumber, and sesame seeds. It's made using a similar technique to the dragon roll. Everything has to be so exactly the same size. But that took me 13 minutes this morning. Have I improved? That roll tight there. At last, done, and in under two minutes.

(police alarms)
So far so good. Finally, I think I've cracked it. And what do the punters think? Very fine food. I thought somehow it was a Japanese chef who'd made the sushi for us, but I didn't know it was his first time. I love it. I'm gonna hire him for my restaurant. Last sushi done. I know I'm slightly slow, but in terms of the method, it's very precise. Can I come back? Yes. Excellent, thank you. That was impressive.

Bloody hard work, but I can really start
to understand why it takes so long to become a top sushi chef. Today, the proof was in the sushi.

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It’s learning on the job from now on. I’m really under pressure. Lunch time service is starting, and all the sushi here is made to order. It’s a full house, and there’s nowhere to hide. Kara San puts me on the scallop nigiri. Nigiri’s a simpler rice-based sushi with a fish on top. My first attempt is embarrassing. When I pick up the sushi, it’s falling apart. So it’s not well formed.

Head chef Kara San has to step in to help me out. One, two, three. Okay. He can make six pieces a minute, and every one is perfect. Oh my God, the different steps is extraordinary. I tried to give it one more shot.

And Kara San’s patience with me starts to pay off. Maybe I’m not so bad at this after all. Next, an order for spicy tuna rolls containing tuna, chili powder, cucumber, and sesame seeds. It’s made using a similar technique to the dragon roll. Everything has to be so exactly the same size. But that took me 13 minutes this morning. Have I improved? That roll tight there. At last, done, and in under two minutes.

(police alarms) So far so good. Finally, I think I’ve cracked it. And what do the punters think? Very fine food. I thought somehow it was a Japanese chef who’d made the sushi for us, but I didn’t know it was his first time. I love it. I’m gonna hire him for my restaurant. Last sushi done. I know I’m slightly slow, but in terms of the method, it’s very precise. Can I come back? Yes. Excellent, thank you. That was impressive. Bloody hard work, but I can really start to understand why it takes so long to become a top sushi chef. Today, the proof was in the sushi.

302 Words


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Useful Expressions

learn on the job   仕事を通じて学ぶ
from now on   これから
It’s learning on the job from now on.

under pressure   プレッシャーをかけられて
I’m really under pressure.

full house   満員
It’s a full house, and there’s nowhere to hide.

scallop   ホタテ
Kara San puts me on the scallop nigiri.

attempt   試み
embarrassing   恥ずかしいおもいをさせる
My first attempt is embarrassing.

fall apart    ばらばらになる
When I pick up the sushi, it’s falling apart.

form   形を成す
So it’s not well-formed.

step in   介入する
help someone out   人を助ける
Head chef Kara San has to step in to help me out.

extraordinary   桁外れの/並外れた
Oh my God, the different steps is extraordinary.

give it a shot   試しにやってみる/挑戦してみる
I tried to give it one more shot.

pay off    効果をもたらす
And Kara San’s patience with me starts to pay off.

improve   上達する
Have I improved?

So far so good.   今のところ、順調です。
So far so good.

crack it   成功する
Finally, I think I’ve cracked it.

punter   客 *イギリス英語のスラング
And what do the punters think?

slightly   少し/若干/わずかに
in terms of   ~の点で/~の観点で
precise   正確な
I know I’m slightly slow, but in terms of the method, it’s very precise.

impressive   感動的な
That was impressive.

bloody   とても/すごく *イギリス英語のスラング
Bloody hard work, but I can really start to understand why it takes so long to become a top sushi chef.

proof   証拠
Today, the proof was in the sushi.

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See how Gordon did in the morning, when he made the dragon roll.


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