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The Secret Life of Pets 2 – Cat Lessons Scene


Okay, tail. (laughs) Ears, and voila. Whoa, Gidget, you look so much like a cat, it's crazy. (laughs) Yeah, who knew? So easy. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. It's gonna take more than fake ears and a sock, okay? You gotta learn how to act like a cat. Okay. Okay, Gidget, I'm gonna throw some situations at you, and you're just gonna, ya know, you're gonna react like a cat. Got cha! Fetch. Yes! (excited laughing) Gidget, stay. But-- No! Cats don't care about fetching.

Fetching is for dopes.
(laughing) You're above that because you are a cat.

Whoa! (groans) You see, dogs land like the clumsy oafs they are. Meanwhile, cats land on their feet. Really, how do they-- (screams) Yes! I did it! I landed on my feet! Yes. Nice work. Seriously, guys, I think I broke something. You gotta. It's a fact of life. Absolutely not. Never gonna happen. Guys, I found treats! Oh, Mel. (groans) Okay, Gidget, eat Sweet Pea. What? (tweeting) Cats eat birds. It's nature.

Yeah, I'm gonna pass.
No, no, no, no, you used your one pass on the litter box so you have to do this. But-- Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh, do it. You're seriously gonna make her eat Sweet Pea? Oh, no, no, no, of course not. I'm just freaking her out. (gasping) Okay, what's next? Gidget, no! Bad dog! Bad cat-dog! (groaning) (tweeting) Ooh, sorry. Up. Tail in the face. Okay, touches butt to the cup. (laughing) Walk on keyboard.

There ya go.
Coffee on computer. And down. Nice. Yes, ya got it. (tweeting) Gidget, you're as close to a cat as a dog can get. (laughing) Cool, now turn me into a chinchilla. Can you do that? (smacking) (dramatic music)

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Okay, tail. Ears, and voila. Whoa, Gidget, you look so much like a cat, it’s crazy. Yeah, who knew? So easy. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. It’s gonna take more than fake ears and a sock, okay? You gotta learn how to act like a cat. Okay. Okay, Gidget, I’m gonna throw some situations at you, and you’re just gonna, ya know, you’re gonna react like a cat.

Got cha! Fetch. Yes! Gidget, stay. But– No! Cats don’t care about fetching. Fetching is for dopes. You’re above that because you are a cat.

Whoa! You see, dogs land like the clumsy oafs they are. Meanwhile, cats land on their feet. Really, how do they– Yes! I did it! I landed on my feet! Yes. Nice work.

Seriously, guys, I think I broke something.

You gotta. It’s a fact of life. Absolutely not. Never gonna happen. Guys, I found treats! Oh, Mel.

Okay, Gidget, eat Sweet Pea. What? Cats eat birds. It’s nature. Yeah, I’m gonna pass. No, no, no, no, you used your one pass on the litter box so you have to do this. But. Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh, do it. You’re seriously gonna make her eat Sweet Pea? – Oh, no, no, no, of course not. I’m just freaking her out. Okay, what’s next? Gidget, no! Bad dog! Bad cat-dog! Ooh, sorry.

Up. Tail in the face. Okay, touches butt to the cup. Walk on keyboard. There ya go. Coffee on computer. And down. Nice. Yes, ya got it. Gidget, you’re as close to a cat as a dog can get. Cool, now turn me into a chinchilla. Can you do that?

271 Words



Useful Expressions

look so much like   ~にそっくりである
crazy   おかしい
この状況での「Jt’s crazy」は「おかしい程似ている」の意味です。
Whoa, Gidget, you look so much like a cat, it’s crazy.

Hold on   ちょっと待って。
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.

You gotta   =You’ve got to  *have got to   ~しないといけない
You gotta learn how to act like a cat.

fetch   獲物を取ってくる
Cats don’t care about fetching.

dope   まぬけ
Fetching is for dopes.

clumsy   不器用な
oaf   ばか
You see, dogs land like the clumsy oafs they are.

meanwhile   一方で
Meanwhile, cats land on their feet.

freak someone out   ~を驚かせる  
I’m just freaking her out.

butt   おしり
Okay, touches butt to the cup.

There ya go   =There you go.   それでいいよ。
Walk on keyboard. There ya go.

turn someone into   ~を…..に変身させる
Cool, now turn me into a chinchilla.


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