
Shredding the World’s Highest Sand Dunes on Skis


- [Emma] Cerro Blanco is the biggest sand dune in the world. I had no idea people could ski in a place like this. Once you're at the top, you have about 4,000 feet of vertical drop until you get to the bottom. Whoo! I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. - Let's do this! - Let's do this! - [Emma] Whoo! (chill out music) My name is Emma Dahlström, I'm from Sweden, and I'm a professional free-skier. - [Jesper] I'm Jesper Tjäder, I'm also a professional free-skier.

We're both on the Swedish National Team.

We travel all over the world to ski.
But we usually go to the mountains where it's cold and snowy. - [Emma] When we got to Peru, we started in a small oasis called Huacachina. You would look around and all you could see is desert.

- [Jesper] I was really nervous for my first run in the sand
'cause obviously it's not snow. It felt sticky in the beginning but when you get some speed it felt pretty similar to snow, actually. It felt pretty cool to ski in shorts and a shirt. Yeah! - [Emma] We stayed there for about three days and did some rails and jumps. And then we headed out to Cerra Blanco, which is basically one big mountain of just sand.

- [Jesper] Once we were at the base of Cerra Blanco,
we hiked with all our gear for about three or four hours. By the time we got to the top it was completely dark. That next morning, when we first saw the view, that was magic. - [Emma] I watched the sun come out over the mountains and then we just dropped in.


It was such a crazy feeling,
and I was smiling the whole way down.

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– [Emma] Cerro Blanco is the biggest sand dune in the world. I had no idea people could ski in a place like this. Once you’re at the top, you have about 4,000 feet of vertical drop until you get to the bottom. Whoo! I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. – Let’s do this! – Let’s do this! – [Emma] Whoo!

My name is Emma Dahlström, I’m from Sweden, and I’m a professional free-skier. – [Jesper] I’m Jesper Tjäder, I’m also a professional free-skier.
We’re both on the Swedish National Team. Yee-haw!

We travel all over the world to ski. But we usually go to the mountains where it’s cold and snowy.

– [Emma] When we got to Peru, we started in a small oasis called Huacachina. You would look around and all you could see is desert.

– [Jesper] I was really nervous for my first run in the sand ’cause obviously it’s not snow. It felt sticky in the beginning but when you get some speed it felt pretty similar to snow, actually. It felt pretty cool to ski in shorts and a shirt. Yeah! – [Emma] We stayed there for about three days and did some rails and jumps. And then we headed out to Cerra Blanco, which is basically one big mountain of just sand.

– [Jesper] Once we were at the base of Cerra Blanco, we hiked with all our gear for about three or four hours. By the time we got to the top it was completely dark. That next morning, when we first saw the view, that was magic. – [Emma] I watched the sun come out over the mountains and then we just dropped in.


It was such a crazy feeling, and I was smiling the whole way down.

306 words



Useful Expressions

the *….est   <最上級>一番…. *ある一定の語数以上はmost …..とあらわす
sand dune   砂丘
Cerro Blanco is the biggest sand dune in the world.

vertical   垂直の
Once you’re at the top, you have about 4,000 feet of vertical drop until you get to the bottom.

the rest of someone’s life   ~の残りの人生
I will remember that moment for the rest of my life.

desert   砂漠
You would look around and all you could see is desert.

sticky   べとつく/べとべとする
It felt sticky in the beginning but when you get some speed it felt pretty similar to snow, actually.

head out to….   ~に向かう/~に向かって出発する
And then we headed out to Cerra Blanco, which is basically one big mountain of just sand.

hike   ハイキングをする
gear   用具
Once we were at the base of Cerra Blanco, we hiked with all our gear for about three or four hours.

by the time …..    ~する時までには
completely   完全に
By the time we got to the top it was completely dark.

come out    出てくる
drop in   降下する
I watched the sun come out over the mountains and then we just dropped in.


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