
Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling


>>Welcome back to our coverage of the game of the year between Yale and North Carolina. >>If you're just joining us, we have witnessed an unbelievably well fought match tonight, and it's come down to penalty kicks. Petersen for Yale, taking the first approach. >>Oh there it is! North Carolina's goal keep Richonds just let one in past him now, >>Spectacular! so the now the burden rests on Yale's Scott Sterling. >>Here he comes. Nerves of steel that man, dealing with more pressure now than a submarine. >>Indeed. Home crowd showing some appreciation. Johnson places the ball on the spot, getting ready.

That man literally has a cannon for a leg,
>>Yes, he does. Here he goes, winding up for the shot and, oh! the cannon has fired and hit Sterling directly to the face. >>We clocked that at a stunning 116 kilometers per hour. >>Now that's a lot of miles per hour. >>Little chance that man's nose is not broken right now. >>Oh, indeed. Now Sterling getting checked out for that one. Spectacular save though, but sadly he's not out of the woods yet. >>On his feet now, a bit shaken. >>but not stirred.

>>This crowd absolutely loves this man.
>>And Sterling's teammates welcome him back a hero for now. >>Yale's up again for the second attempt, looking to make it 2-nil. >>He approaches the ball with some determination, here he goes. >>Oh! It's high and wide, way off target. >>Yes, apparently he thought he was kicking a field goal. >>Ha ha ha! Wrong kind of football, i'd say. >>Ha ha! Good show. >>Back now to Scott Sterling, he looks a bit worse for wear, but ready for round two. >>And Shaw takes a moment, here he goes with the approach.

>>Sterling with a fantastic dive. The ball flies straight through his hands and strikes him, straight in the schnoz. >>And let's see it again on the old instant replay. Oh, every excruciating detail captured in HD perfection!

>>Clocked at 129 kilometers per hour.
Sterling does not look well. >>Two wonderful saves and two definite concussions. >>They may replace him at this point, He's done all he can. >>Yes, as his trainer takes him off the field like a mustached lion dragging a gazelle through the serengeti. >>Adieu Scott Sterling. Adieu. >>Yale now with their third pk, Richonds is in the goal bouncing like an infant girl. The crowd holds their breath as he goes in, here it comes. Oh, very anti climatic.

>>Let's see who they got to replace Scott,
>>Scott Sterling is back! >>He's still in the game! >>Oh my! And he's taking a very odd tactic now. >>Seems to be curling up to protect his face. >>Not exactly a recommended technique, but here it comes. No, no, Lambert needs to tie his shoe. And that's why you do a double knot, kids. >>Sterling still waiting for the kick to happen. He's probably wondering when- >>oh! >>Sweet butter crumpets! He got Sterling right in the face! >>That man's nose must be absolutely devastated! He's going to look like a witch that flew her broom into her nose and then crashed into a hammer! >>I hardly even care about this attempt.

Let's go back to >>Scott Sterling!
>>The man, >>the myth, >>the legend! >>Three perfect blocks by Sterling and his catlike face reflexes. >>Absolutely incredible, though I must say Sterling does not look well at all. >>Well you know football players like to have a bit of drama, don't they? >>They're going to take him out, No wait, they've brought him a chair. >>Oh, a bold move by the manager. Bain sets up for the fourth attempt. >>And this, frankly, is a gimme. He literally just has to kick it anywhere, except where Sterling is sitting. >>There is no possible way that North Carolina can mess up this shot.

>>150 kilometers per hour! >>This man can do no wrong! >>Look at him beg for mercy when it's mercy that should be begging for him! >>He has looked death in the eye and said take your best shot, to which death replies by punching him in the face over and over and over again. >>If Yale makes this final shot, it's all over, but no! He misses which means we're going to Scott Sterling! >>His face is like a brick wall. >>A brick wall that can feel pain and cries a lot.

>>But, where Sterling?
>>he seems to be crawling away from the goal. what is he doing? >>he's throwing away the match! >>Ow! >>Sterling has done the impossible! >>I can't believe it! look at that! He played it just right! What incredible instincts to crawl away from the goal like that. >>And his teammates rush the field. Happy as a lark as they slide in. >>A Bernini sculpture of a finish. >>As his teammates carry him off on the stretcher of glory we thank you for sharing this absolutely heart stopping finish.

>>Scott Sterling and his face of steel have won it all.

I bet Tim Howard could have saved that one.
Don't forget to subscribe and send this to all your favorite soccer players on twitter. And also, remember to post this on Instagram pictures.

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>>Welcome back to our coverage of the game of the year between Yale and North Carolina. >>If you’re just joining us, we have witnessed an unbelievably well-fought match tonight, and it’s come down to penalty kicks. Petersen for Yale, taking the first approach. >>Oh there it is! North Carolina’s goal keep Richonds just let one in past him now, >>Spectacular! so the now the burden rests on Yale’s Scott Sterling. >>Here he comes. Nerves of steel that man, dealing with more pressure now than a submarine. >>Indeed. Home crowd showing some appreciation. Johnson places the ball on the spot, getting ready.

That man literally has a cannon for a leg. Here he goes, winding up for the shot and, >>Yes, he does. oh! the cannon has fired and hit Sterling directly to the face. >>We clocked that at a stunning 116 kilometers per hour. >>Now that’s a lot of miles per hour. >>Little chance that man’s nose is not broken right now. >>Oh, indeed. Now Sterling getting checked out for that one. Spectacular save though, but sadly he’s not out of the woods yet. >>On his feet now, a bit shaken. >>but not stirred.

>>This crowd absolutely loves this man. >>And Sterling’s teammates welcome him back a hero for now. >>Yale’s up again for the second attempt, looking to make it 2-nil. >>He approaches the ball with some determination, here he goes. It’s high and wide, way off target. >>Oh! >>Yes, apparently he thought he was kicking a field goal. >>Ha ha ha! Wrong kind of football, i’d say. >>Ha ha! Good show. >>Back now to Scott Sterling, he looks a bit worse for wear, but ready for round two. >>And Shaw takes a moment, here he goes with the approach. >>Sterling with a fantastic dive.

>>Oh! The ball flies straight through his hands and strikes him, straight in the schnoz. >>And let’s see it again on the old instant replay. Oh, every excruciating detail captured in HD perfection!

>>Clocked at 129 kilometers per hour. Sterling does not look well. >>Two wonderful saves and two definite concussions. >>They may replace him at this point, He’s done all he can. >>Yes, as his trainer takes him off the field like a mustached lion dragging a gazelle through the Serengeti. >>Adieu Scott Sterling. Adieu. >>Yale now with their third PK, Richonds is in the goal bouncing like an infant girl. The crowd holds their breath as he goes in, here it comes. Oh, very anti-climatic.

>>Let’s see who they got to replace Scott, >>Scott Sterling is back! >>He’s still in the game! And he’s taking a very odd tactic now. >>Oh my! >>Seems to be curling up to protect his face. >>Not exactly a recommended technique, No, no, Lambert needs to tie his shoe. but here it comes. And that’s why you do a double knot, kids. >>Sterling still waiting for the kick to happen. He’s probably wondering when- >>oh! >>Sweet butter crumpets! He got Sterling right in the face! >>That man’s nose must be absolutely devastated! He’s going to look like a witch that flew her broom into her nose and then crashed into a hammer! >>I hardly even care about this attempt.

Let’s go back to >>Scott Sterling! >>The man, >>the myth, >>the legend! >>Three perfect blocks by Sterling and his catlike face reflexes. >>Absolutely incredible, though I must say Sterling does not look well at all. >>Well you know football players like to have a bit of drama, don’t they? >>They’re going to take him out, No wait, they’ve brought him a chair. >>Oh, a bold move by the manager. Bain sets up for the fourth attempt. >>And this, frankly, is a gimme. He literally just has to kick it anywhere, except where Sterling is sitting. >>There is no possible way that North Carolina can mess up this shot.

>>Oh! >>150 kilometers per hour! >>This man can do no wrong! >>Look at him beg for mercy when it’s mercy that should be begging for him! >>He has looked death in the eye and said take your best shot, to which death replies by punching him in the face over and over and over again. >>If Yale makes this final shot, it’s all over, but no! He misses which means we’re going to Scott Sterling! >>His face is like a brick wall. >>A brick wall that can feel pain and cries a lot.

>>But, where Sterling? >>he seems to be crawling away from the goal. what is he doing? >>he’s throwing away the match! >>Ow! >>Sterling has done the impossible! look at that! >>I can’t believe it! He played it just right! What incredible instincts to crawl away from the goal like that. >>And his teammates rush the field. Happy as a lark as they slide in. >>A Bernini sculpture of a finish. >>As his teammates carry him off on the stretcher of glory we thank you for sharing this absolutely heart stopping finish.

>>Scott Sterling and his face of steel have won it all.

I bet Tim Howard could have saved that one. Don’t forget to subscribe and send this to all your favorite soccer players on twitter. And also, remember to post this on Instagram pictures.

868 Words



Useful expressions

coverage   放送/報道
Welcome back to our coverage of the game of the year between Yale and North Carolina.

unbelievably    信じられないほど/信じ難いほど
well-fought   熱戦
come down   生じる/起こる
If you’re just joining us, we have witnessed an unbelievably well-fought match tonight, and it’s come down to penalty kicks.

Spectacular!   壮観!
burden   負担/重荷
rest on   (成功・責任が)かかっている
Spectacular! so the now the burden rests on Yale’s Scott Sterling.

nerves of steel   強靭な神経
deal with   ~を処理する
Indeed   確かに *フォーマルな表現です。
– Nerves of steel that man, dealing with more pressure now than a submarine.
– Indeed.

appreciation   評価
Home crowd showing some appreciation.

place   ~を置く/~を位置づける
get ready   用意する/準備する
Johnson places the ball on the spot, getting ready.

literally   文字通り
cannon   カノン砲
That man literally has a cannon for a leg.

wind up   (精神的に)引き締める
Here he goes, winding up for the shot and, >>Yes, he does. oh!

out of the woods   (困難・危機)を乗り越えて
Spectacular save though, but sadly he’s not out of the woods yet.

stirred   感動した
On his feet now, a bit shaken, but not stirred.

absolutely   絶対的に
This crowd absolutely loves this man.

second attempt   再度の試み
Yale’s up again for the second attempt, looking to make it 2-nil.

determination   決意/決心
He approaches the ball with some determination, here he goes.

way off   遠い/はなれた

take a moment   時間をおく
It’s high and wide, way off target.

schnoz   鼻
The ball flies straight through his hands and strikes him, straight in the schnoz.

excruciating   耐え難い/猛烈な
capture   とらえる/保存する
Oh, every excruciating detail captured in HD perfection!

definite   明確な
concussion   震動
Two wonderful saves and two definite concussions.

at this point   現時点では/この時点では
They may replace him at this point, He’s done all he can.

take someone off the field   (人を)フィールドからぬけさせる
drag   引きずる
gazelle   ガゼル
the Serengeti   セレンゲティはアフリカの一地域
Yes, as his trainer takes him off the field like a mustached lion dragging a gazelle through the Serengeti.

bounce   飛び跳ねる
infant   乳児
Yale now with their third PK, Richonds is in the goal bouncing like an infant girl.

hold one’s breath   (~の)息を止める
anti-climatic   拍子抜けする
The crowd holds their breath as he goes in, here it comes. Oh, very anti-climatic.

odd   変な/妙な
tactic   戦術
And he’s taking a very odd tactic now.

curl up   丸まって横になる
Seems to be curling up to protect his face.

tie one’s shoes   靴ひもをむすぶ
No, no, Lambert needs to tie his shoe.

double knot   二重結び
And that’s why you do a double knot, kids.

devastate   破壊する
That man’s nose must be absolutely devastated!

witch   魔女
broom   ほうき
crash into   ~に突っ込む
He’s going to look like a witch that flew her broom into her nose and then crashed into a hammer!

hardly   ほとんど~ない
I hardly even care about this attempt.

myth   神話
legend   伝説
Let’s go back to Scott Sterling! The man, the myth, the legend!

catlike reflexes   猫のような反射神経
Three perfect blocks by Sterling and his catlike face reflexes.

not at all   全く~でない
Absolutely incredible, though I must say Sterling does not look well at all.

take someone out   ~を連れ出す
They’re going to take him out, no wait, they’ve brought him a chair.

frankly   率直に/実のところ
a gimme   楽に手にはいるもの Gimme a minute. = Give me a minute.
And this, frankly, is a gimme.

except   を除いては
He literally just has to kick it anywhere, except where Sterling is sitting.

there is no ….   ~はない
mess up   へまをする/しくじる
There is no possible way that North Carolina can mess up this shot.

beg for mercy   哀れみを請う
Look at him beg for mercy when it’s mercy that should be begging for him!

punch in the face   顔を殴る
over and over again   何度も(繰り返して)
He has looked death in the eye and said take your best shot, to which death replies by punching him in the face over and over and over again.

It’s all over.   全ておわり。
If Yale makes this final shot, it’s all over, but no!

brick wall   レンガの塀
His face is like a brick wall.

crawl   はう
He seems to be crawling away from the goal.

the impossible   不可能なこと
Sterling has done the impossible!

incredible   信じられない/驚くべき
instinct   本能
What incredible instincts to crawl away from the goal like that.

happy as a lark   とても幸せ
Happy as a lark as they slide in.

A Bernini sculpture of a finish.

一度インターネットで「ベルニーニ 彫刻」で検索して頂くと、ニュアンスがわかるかと思います。完璧な終わりというニュアンスです。

glory   栄光/名誉
As his teammates carry him off on the stretcher of glory we thank you for sharing this absolutely heart stopping finish.

something of steel   頑丈な~ 例) man of steel  
Scott Sterling and his face of steel have won it all.

bet   賭ける
I bet Tim Howard could have saved that one.


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