
I'm getting a man bun. (crowd laughs)
I wouldn't go as far as touching that. That might be there for a reason.
♪ And I'm feeling good ♪
Hey, bring it in, give me a hug, dude.
♪ Feeling- ♪ ♪ good ♪
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Okay. This is like my dream
come true.
I’m getting a man bun. Michael? Oh my gosh,
hello. All right, good to see you. What have they done? I feel handsome. Yeah,
you are. And I like my hair. Are you sure you’re Michael? Look at that. Yes. I
chose to be a South African named Dion. One of my best friends. One of my best
friends is actually named Dion. This accent is good! and he’s from South
You’re going to smash it. I’m gonna be right
there, with you. But not physically. All right. Wish me luck. Good luck. All
right, cheers everyone.
Excuse me, sorry.
He’s about to go in. I might be sick. So, David,
you’re going to be Dion’s sponsor for the day. And I’ll leave you with David.
All right. All right. He will take you through the drill and such. All right,
yes. Is that all right? Yes, you have to take care of me on my first day. I’m
nervous. Please don’t be. All right. One thing I can always say to you is
relax. All right. Hug it up. All right. We’re bonding already. This is so cool.
And what’s over here? These things here, I’m not quite sure. I think they could
be something…
I wouldn’t go as far as touching that. That
might be there for a reason. Is it live? Huh? Tik tik tik. Hello, hello. It’s
live. Yeah, you’re not supposed to be touching… David, look at this. ♪ Birds flying high ♪ ♪ You know how I feel ♪ ♪ Sun in the sky ♪ ♪ You know how I feel ♪ Sing it with me, man.
♪ And I’m feeling good ♪
Hey, bring it in, give me a hug, dude. (laughs)
How weird was that for you? Did I fool you or not? I just was watching you last
night on video.
Hi guys, you all right? Hello. It’s my first day
so I definitely don’t want to take too much of your time. I’ll show you that we
do have beautiful CDs. I don’t know what happened but they made an order and
the only CDs that came are Michael Bublé. I’m going to have a word with the
manager. All right. Either they going to be selling a lot of elevators if you
ask me. If you like Michael Bublé then you like Michael Bublé. I think maybe
because it’s Christmas, maybe he’s going to come out of his cave or something.
I wish. Oh, you do? What are all these here for? I guess, they were supposed to
take a lot of other CDs but these are the ones that- What’s this? All the crap,
crap. I’ve got that. You do? He’s got all of them. I like, if I had this- Where
are you from? Jo’burg. If I had this, I’d use it as a coaster.
Don’t insult him. No, all right. Bublé’s good.
You like to take a seat? Please honestly, try
it. Truly it is amazing. It’s amazing. Ah, look at that. We should try out the
speakers as well. You know what I think we should do? Perhaps, is we should
actually show mode one. Check this out. But wait because when we get to the
mode two it actually feels like you’re there with the artist. I like it.
Good speaker. No it’s amazing. All right. It’s
nice. With a massage, all right. All right, now you relax. And this is mode
one. So just wait to be in mode two, all right? All right, mode two, check it
out, go for it. It’s like you’re in it there with the artist. ♪ Birds flying high ♪ ♪ You know how I feel ♪ That’s pretty cool. ♪ Sun in the sky ♪ ♪ You know how I feel ♪ ♪ Breeze driftin’ on by ♪ Is that Michael Bublé? ♪ You know how I feel ♪ Are you joking? ♪ It’s a new dawn ♪ Do you want a massage? ♪ It’s a new day ♪ ♪ It’s a new life ♪ ♪ For me ♪ Yeah, it’s Bublé, I’m here,
what? ♪ And I’m- ♪ Sing it with me.
♪ Feeling- ♪ ♪ good ♪ I can’t sing. Let me give you
a hug. How are you? Good? Good. How are you? It’s nice to meet you. Yeah. It’s
nice to meet you. It’s Michael Buble in disguise. And he was behind me,
massaging my shoulders. This doesn’t happen to us. ♪ And I’m feeling good. ♪ Give me a hug. I’ve got tears
mate. Are you crying? Don’t cry.
Yes, right underneath this stuff I look like
someone you might know. You can’t mistake that amazing voice. Can I have a hug,
finally? Oh my gosh! Now, you’re never going to let me go, are you? No.
815 Words
Useful Expressions
come true 実現する
This is like my dream come true.
man bun 男性のお団子ヘア
I’m getting a man bun.
smash it とっても上手にする
You’re going to smash it.
physically 身体的に
I’m gonna be right there, with you. But not physically.
Wish me luck. 私の幸運を祈っていて。/私の健闘を祈っていて。
cheers ありがとう
take care of ….. ~を世話する
Yes, you have to take care of me on my first day.
<verb> it up. ~を沢山しよう。
Hug it up.
bond 絆を深める
We’re bonding already.
not go as far as …. ~以上はしない
I wouldn’t go as far as touching that. That might be there for a reason.
be supposed to …. ~しなければならない
Yeah, you’re not supposed to be touching…
cave 洞窟
I think maybe because it’s Christmas, maybe he’s going to come out of his cave or something.
insult ばかにする/こけにする
Don’t insult him. Bublé’s good.
take a seat すわる/腰掛ける
(Would) you like to take a seat?
honestly 本当に
Please honestly, try it.
go for it やってみる
All right, mode two, check it out, go for it. It’s like you’re in it there with the artist.
disguise 変装
It’s nice to meet you. It’s Michael Bublé in disguise.