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She Was the Best Female Rock Climber In the World By Age 14


(peppy music) - Right after school I just like try to like run to the gym, so I can climb (laughs). (peppy music) It's a dangerous sport but the only thing that I'm afraid of is not being able to get to the top. (peppy music)

With climbing I don't think that
it really matters with how big you are. If you're smaller, you can hold on longer and your hands might be smaller so it can fit more fingers on holds. (peppy music)

I started climbing in Central Park
when I was six years old. Now I don't think I could like live without it. (peppy music)

When you're close to the top
of the climb you're trying to do you forearms usually feel like they're gonna explode and they're gonna like burst open. You feel like you have to let go, but with climbing you just can't let go. I think that climbing is, it's obviously a sport, but it's also like a dance. You sort of have to be able to like flow up the wall and come up with your own technique to get to the top. I think people are shocked if I do something that they can't do or something, because I'm still really young, and I'm a girl.

So, like, doing something that even if a guy can't do
is pretty special (laughs). (peppy music)

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Right after school I just like try to like run to the gym, so I can climb.  It’s a dangerous sport but the only thing that I’m afraid of is not being able to get to the top.  

With climbing I don’t think that it really matters with how big you are. If you’re smaller, you can hold on longer and your hands might be smaller so you can fit more fingers on holds.  

I started climbing in Central Park when I was six years old. Now I don’t think I could like live without it.  

When you’re close to the top of the climb you’re trying to do your forearms usually feel like they’re gonna explode and they’re gonna like burst open. You feel like you have to let go, but with climbing you just can’t let go. I think that climbing is, it’s obviously a sport, but it’s also like a dance. You sort of have to be able to like flow up the wall and come up with your own technique to get to the top. I think people are shocked if I do something that they can’t do or something, because I’m still really young, and I’m a girl.

So, like, doing something that even if a guy can’t do is pretty special.

217 Words



Useful Expressions

Climb   登る
Right after school I just like try to like run to the gym, so I can climb.

hold on   踏ん張る
If you’re smaller, you can hold on longer and your hands might be smaller so you can fit more fingers on holds.  

forearm   前腕
When you’re close to the top of the climb you’re trying to do your forearms usually feel like they’re gonna explode and they’re gonna like burst open.

sort of   多少
You sort of have to be able to like flow up the wall and come up with your own technique to get to the top.


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