
How to Open a Can without Can Opener

Zombie Survival Tips #20


What's up everybody? Welcome back to my laboratory. Where safety is number one priority. Well it's not my laboratory. It's Alick laboratory. This my Russian friend, and his laboratory have a lot of tools. And I'm going to do only the most epic experiments and awesome building stuff with him once a week or twice a week.

So might as well you should go and subscribe to his channel and this is going to be awesome stuff.
So today we gonna do : How to open a can. Any kind of can. Like this one or maybe just a regular one. Yeah Without no can opener or any kind of tools. No knives, no nothing just hands and a piece of concrete. Let's check it out. So in a zombie apocalypse, I'm trying to survive and I found the can. Like you know the meat.

And I'm really starving and I have nothing to open with no tools what so ever but I have a lot of concrete.

You know, you can find concrete anywhere on a street right?
How do you open up a can using concrete? Very simply, just put this part, not the bottom, but the top on top of a concrete and rub it.

So once you scraped a lot, all you gotta do is squeeze it.
And you opened it. And here is the second one.

You see how all the edges are coming out now.
And you squeeze it a little bit. Remember you can not use any knives. You see how it's popping out.

And guess what? Cat gonna survive too.

Alright, you guys ready?
Just squeeze a little bit. It's not ready yet.

Here you go.
And now you can survive. That's pretty much it. Let us know what you think comments below. Subscribe to Alick. His channel name KGB Survivalist. It's gonna be awesome stuff. I'm going to be in his videos all the time. I'm relocating this channel because you have so much tools and so much potential, that I will not be able to do it by myself.

So he'll be like my right hand.
Well, he's left handed so left hand, whatever. But no, it's not like that. He's just my friend and he'd be helping me out a lot and I will be helping him out a lot.

And just two heads are better than one, right?
That's what we say in Russia, I think. We have way more interesting videos upcoming. You guys stay tune and prepare to watch. Subscribe

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Welcome back to my laboratory. What’s up everybody? Where safety is number one priority. Well it’s not my laboratory. It’s Alick laboratory. This my Russian friend, and his laboratory have a lot of tools. And I’m going to do only the most epic experiments and awesome building stuff with him once a week or twice a week.

So might as well you should go and subscribe to his channel and this is going to be awesome stuff. So today we gonna do : How to open a can. Any kind of can. Like this one or maybe just a regular one. Yeah Without no can opener or any kind of tools. No knives, no nothing just hands and a piece of concrete. Let’s check it out. So in a zombie apocalypse, I’m trying to survive and I found the can. Like you know, the meat.

And I’m really starving, and I have nothing to open with no tools whatsoever, but I have a lot of concrete.

You know, you can find concrete anywhere on a street, right? How do you open up a can using concrete? Very simply, just put this part, not the bottom, but the top on top of a concrete and rub it.

So once you scraped a lot, all you gotta do is squeeze it. And you opened it. And here is the second one.

You see how all the edges are coming out now. And you squeeze it a little bit. Remember you can not use any knives. You see how it’s popping out. And guess what?

BOOM! Cat gonna survive too.

Alright, you guys ready? Just squeeze a little bit. It’s not ready yet.

Here you go. And now you can survive. That’s pretty much it. Let us know what you think comments below. Subscribe to Alick. His channel name KGB Survivalist. It’s gonna be awesome stuff. I’m relocating this channel because you have so much tools and so much potential, that I will not be able to do it by myself. I’m going to be in his videos all the time.

So he’ll be like my right hand. Well, he’s left-handed so left hand, whatever. But no, it’s not like that. He’s just my friend and he’d be helping me out a lot and I will be helping him out a lot.

And just two heads are better than one, right? That’s what we say in Russia, I think. We have way more interesting videos upcoming. You guys stay tune and prepare to watch. Subscribe.

422 Words


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Useful Expressions

laboratory   研究室/実験室
priority   優先すること/ 優先順位
Welcome back to my laboratory, where safety is the number one priority.

What’s up?   調子どう?(*挨拶表現の一部です。尋ねる側は必ずしも的確な返答を求めません。)
What’s up everybody?

a lot of ….   多くの~
tool    道具/用具
This my Russian friend, and his laboratory has a lot of tools.

epic   大規模な/壮大な
experiment   実験
once a week   週に1度
And I’m going to do only the most epic experiments and awesome building stuff with him once a week or twice a week.

subscribe to a channel (on YouTube)   YouTubeで)チャンネル登録する
…you should go and subscribe to his channel and this is going to be awesome stuff.

how to ….   ~の方法/~の仕方
So today we gonna do : How to open a can.

any kind of ….   どんな種類の~
Any kind of can.

check …. out   ~をチェックする/~を調べる
Let’s check it out.

zombie apocalypse   ゾンビだらけのよの終わり
So in a zombie apocalypse, I’m trying to survive and I found the can.

starving (very hungry)   餓死する/凄くお腹が空いている
no …. whatsoever   いかなる/少しの~もない
And I’m really starving, and I have nothing to open it with, no tools whatsoever, but I have a lot of concrete.

rub   こする
…just put this part, not the bottom, but the top on top of the concrete and rub it.

scrape   削ぎおとす
squeeze   押しつぶす
So once you scraped a lot, all you gotta do is squeeze it.

edge   /
You see how all the edges are coming out now.

pop out   パッと飛び出す
You see how it’s popping out.

guess what?   何がと思う?
And guess what?  

pretty much   ほぼ/ほとんど
That’s pretty much it.

let someone know   ~に知らせる
Let us know what you think comments below.

potential   潜在力/可能性
I’m relocating this channel because you have so much tools and so much potential

one’s right hand   信頼する人/片腕/(一番頼みになる)右腕
So he’ll be like my right hand.

left-handed   左利きの
Well, he’s left-handed so left hand, whatever.

way more   はるかに
We have way more interesting videos upcoming.

stay tuned   チャンネルはそのままで
You guys stay tuned and prepare to watch.


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